My Mo/Me Healer Build, pls critique
OK, heres the deal. I have been trying different pvp healer builds and have decided to try out a Mo/Me. Here is the tentative build I have planned. Any comments would be very welcome.
Healing Prayers (11)
--Healing Breeze
--Orison of Healing
--Word of Healing
--Restore Life
Divine Intervention (10)
Inspiration (10)
--Mantra of Concetration
--Power Drain
--Energy Tap
--Purge Conditions/Remove Hex
--Heal Other
--Healing Seed
--Infuse Health
Basically I have the Mez skills to keep me with a steady supply of energy, at the same time taking it from other casters. The mantra is to stop certain spells, especially Power Block, which would be deadly to a mostly pure healer like myself. At the same time the inclusion of 3 Mez skills detracts from my healing diversity. This leads me to not being able to decide if the purge/remove should be totally replaced by Seed or Infuse. However, Remove Hex would be nice for Migraine and other anti-mage spells. Again, any comments would be most welcome.